Hey everybody!
I hope you all have been doing great in this first week of Fall. It's been a week full of changes, work, and of course, miracles.
I started the week by sending off Elder Martinez to Philadelphia and picked up my new companion Elder Baker! Elder Baker is from Eagle Rock, Utah. He's half Hawaiian and half Native American and has been out for a year. It's actually pretty neat because we were both companions with Elder Thielen and Elder Harris so we've been able to connect with that. But he's a great missionary who just wants to work which is such a blessing.
We started the transfer strong by finding three new investigators this past week through bible referrals and just being led by the Spirit to stop by a less active home. The less active wasnt home but a 19 year old named Devon let us in and we had such a powerful lesson on the Restoration. It was such a blessing from the Lord to find these new investigators. It took a lot of time walking through the streets of Reading, but the Lord provided for us which was incredible.
We also have been continuing to teach the Maldanado family. Anthony, the dad, and Chenell and Dakota, the daughters, are getting baptized in two weeks which we are very excited for. They just continue to keep commitments and keep talking about their baptism. They have brought up being sealed as a family already! We are just so excited in two weeks for this special day. It all started when Elder Martinez talked to Melissa, the mom, in May. Now here we are, what a blessing it's been to be working with this family.
Well, we are having an exciting week coming up. Elder Cordon of the Seventy is coming to our mission and we have Zone Training tomorrow. I'm so grateful being able to learn how to be a better teacher and a better person on my mission. It is without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. But I'm grateful for how hard it is. May we all recognize what a blessing it is as we learn and grow from the callings which the Lord has given us. What a great blessing it is to be pushed to become something more through our callings. Well, continue in the faith! May the Lord bless us in all that we do.
Reading, PA
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