Monday, April 24, 2017

Standing Steadfast in the Kingdom of God

Hey everybody!

It's been such a good week here in Doylestown. A lot of blessings came our way this first week of the transfer. It was a reminder for me how mindful God really is with our situations. There's a lot on His plate to be mindful of, but at the same time He is so aware of our current situation. It's such a blessing!

Well, to start of the week, it was pretty slow the first couple of days. After we played soccer on P-day, Elder Morton had some pain in his leg. In fact, it's been around with him the past few weeks but not as aggravating as it was this week. So we talked to the mission nurse and it turns out Elder Morton may have tendinitis. So there have been times we've had to stop or even stay in because the leg was bothering him. But it was a good experience, to really learn from the Lord on the importance of patience. I know I don't have a ton of time left, but if the Lord wants us to be in here and there, I need to accept His will.

But there were still some cool experience we had in the week. For one, we had our first District Meeting with the new District. So the background about this is our Zone combined with another Zone to make a huge Philadelphia Zone. So the Philadelphia North Zone turned into the Doylestown District. So I was asked to be over 4 companionships this transfer, the biggest District I have ever been a part of. But it was pretty fun for a first District Meeting! With 9 missionaries, it's definitely not difficult to have participation going on. I have such incredible missionaries to work with in the District. Needless to say, I'm beyond excited for this transfer to work with this District. 

We also had this cool experience going to this ghetto Hispanic barrio with apartments all over. It was pretty shocking for both of us because Doylestown is a very wealthy area for the most part. So it was pretty neat to find this place of humble circumstances. I was able to use my limited Spanish for the first time in a while, since the good old days in Reading! But it was definitely a lot of fun talking to Hispanics, I haven't typically work with a lot on my mission, but they are such kind people.

The best part of the week was helping out Eugene. We did service for him for a couple hours cleaning up his backyard because he wants to start some sort of garden. So from getting rid of weeds, to moving giant pieces of stone, we got a good start on his backyard. It's always such a blessing to help Eugene. I always feel like Ammon who gave such loving service to King Lamoni when we serve Eugene. He really is doing well. He hasn't gotten to the point committing to baptism yet, but it's so amazing to see how much solid fellowship he's getting from the ward.

We didn't meet with Skylar this week because of conflicts with the families' schedule, but next time we are seeing her we will most likely have a date set for her baptism. It's looking like it's going to be a great transfer ahead!

Elder Cortes

Doylestown, PA

Monday, April 17, 2017

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Hey everybody!

It's been a miracle of a week to end the transfer. Many blessings have come our way as we have labored with all that we have to give. Without a doubt, this Holy Week will be one I have to remember for a long time. 

It all started with a pretty good Zone Training. A lot was said regarding the Book of Mormon and how we should use it, which is one of my favorite topics to talk about in missionary work. But the part that really stuck out to me was that for a training, our Zone Leaders read our call letter we all received when we got our mission calls. It was a time to really reflect when I got my call during Spring Break two years ago and my whole family dropped what they were doing and we all came together to see where I would go for the next two years. I remember the Spirit just testifying to me this is exactly where I needed to go to serve my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. It was cool because the whole Zone seemed to have a revitalizing Spirit to go out and do the work. Little did we know in Doylestown much was going to come to pass.

Wednesday evening we met with one of our newer investigators, Guadeloupe. She is actually from Chihuahua, Mexico which was pretty neat to talk about since my Dad is from Mitchoacan. But her big struggle is she works a real heavy amount, especially on Sunday. We also just gave her a Spanish copy of the Book of Mormon. So it was pretty cool to go a little more in depth on what the Book of Mormon is about. But the best part is that her 17 year old daughter, Jocelyn, came right as we were starting to explain the Book of Mormon. So as we got to know Jocelyn a little bit, she expressed she wanted more faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. You could tell Guadeloupe really appreciated us taking the time to see where her daughter was at. But they both have copies of the Book of Mormon so we invited them to read the first two chapters and to go from there. It was definitely a miracle how it all came about, we had no member available until the last minute someone got back to us which the Lord made it all happen. It was amazing. 

We also had a special experience giving a blessing this week. We were at a family named the Dalby's for dinner and Brother Dalby has been pretty sick. When I mean pretty sick, like something is wrong with his body. I don't know all the details, but I know his liver has been failing and he has been bedridden for so long, his eyes looked yellow actually. The doctors still have no idea what is wrong with him. Plus, it couldn't have come at a worse time, Brother Dalby just got called to be in the Stake Presidency just before he got sick. So a lot has been going on, and he had already received a blessing. But he said he'd feel great if we, the Elders, gave him one. So I was asked to give it and honestly, I felt a little inadequate. Me, a 20 year old Elder, giving a member of the Stake Presidency a blessing of comfort. But all those thoughts fled my mind as I put my hands on President Dalby's head. It was such a powerful blessing, I just knew it wasn't me giving the blessing, but the Lord. It reminded me that I act as the Lord's representative and He will always speak through me. President Dalby gave me such a big hug after it and I just felt God's love so strong in that moment. We didn't say anything the car ride home, it was such a sacred and special experience for Elder Morton and myself. 

We also met with Skylar Saturday night. Now, after our last lesson with her, we were a little stumped on knowing exactly what we should teach her next. However, through a lot of prayer, planning, and study, we felt that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is what she needed next. Boy, I have to tell you, everything went exactly the way it was supposed to. Looking back, you could tell the Lord was guiding the entire lesson. It was one of the best lessons I ever had as a missionary. The peak point of it all was when we read Alma 7:14-16, as Alma testifies of baptism. The Spirit touched her so strongly in verse 15

"Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction, yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the waters of baptism."

So at that point, we invited her to be baptized and she accepted!!! I couldn't tell you how much I appreciated the Spirit in that room in that very moment she accepted. Words just can't describe it. But after working so hard with Skylar the past 3 months and seeing such amazing growth with her, it was a testimony to me all that work paid off. We haven't set a specific date yet, she needs to talk to her parents with logistical things, but it'll most likely be this transfer. God is a God of miracles, that is for sure!

So after that, we had Easter the next day and it was such a blessed day. It was a nice 80 degrees, the sun was shining, there was a nice breeze, it was all you would want for a day to remember the Lord's mission. We actually had a miracle finding a family which was amazing! We tracted into this guy named Julio a few days before and he told us to come back Sunday when his wife would be home. So we went back and he, his wife Missy, and their two young daughters were all interested in what we did as missionaries. So we taught parts of the Restoration and gave them a copy of the Book of Mormon and we'll be seeing them in two weeks! It was a miracle finding such an incredible family. On Easter Sunday to make it that much better! Overall, one of the best weeks of my mission. I'm thankful for the Savior and His Atonement. His mission, gives me reason and purpose to live. It is no question in my mind I will live with my family forever, not just in this life. I know with my mistakes and faults, they will be cleansed every time if I come to Jesus with a broken heart and a contrite Spirit. One day, when it's all said and done, I will live with my Father in Heaven again and my Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. All wrongs will be right, Satan's influence will be no more, and there will be nothing but light and happiness that radiates through us all because of the Good Shepard, The Prince of Peace, and to me most importantly, my friend Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for His Gospel and the opportunity and privilege it is to share it with the world. It truly has changed my life for the better for that I will always be grateful.

So now, you might be thinking with transfers coming up, what's happening in Doylestown? Well, we found out, Elder Morton and I are staying together for a third transfer! So by the time our time is done together, we will have spent almost 5 months together as companions. I've never done 3 transfers with a companion, but hey, there's a first time for everything right? I hope you all have a great week in the Springtime! The Gospel is true always.

Elder Cortes

Doylestown, PA

Monday, April 10, 2017

The Prince of Peace

Hey everyone!

It's been a pretty good four days since I last wrote everyone. The Lord has been blessing us with so many people to talk to. The main reason for that is the fact we have a new Easter video the church put out all centered on how Christ is the Prince of Peace. There was one day we went all out with finding on Friday and it was so cool to see people's hearts soften as they saw who we represent. We got a couple of return appointments which I was pretty excited about because typically it's a bit challenging to get a return appointment when you tract. It's really not that hard to look back on how blessed you were as a missionary in the daily life. There really is powerful peace that comes from being grateful.

I'm also pretty excited that it is Easter Sunday this weekend. Easter time has always been pretty special for me these past few years, even before I came on my mission. As I've learned more of the Savior's mission and His perfect Atonement, I have had such great inner peace that I could not obtain anywhere else. Probably the greatest blessing I will ever have had on my mission is really getting to know who my Savior is and how He is there for me every step of the way. I know, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that Jesus Christ did come to redeem all of God's children. He died and lived again so we may all return back to the presence of the Father. I'm thankful for the Easter season and the special meaning it has for all of us to celebrate all year round. 

In other news, this is the last week of the transfer. So Elder Morton and I are probably going to split since we've done 3 months together. The question is who's staying and leaving? I'll keep you posted what happens! I hope you all have a blessed Easter Sunday!

Elder Cortes

Doylestown, PA

Elder Huber is such a talented sketch artist!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

General Conference, Temple, What More Could You Ask For?

Hey everybody!

It's so good to be able to touch base with you all again. The adventures don't stop here on the East Coast that's for sure. We were blessed with exchanges, meetings, and a great weekend of conference!

We went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders and I was with my good friend Elder Huber in Pennypack. It was pretty fun to talk to so many different people with different cultures. One lesson we had, the woman we were teaching sang an African song before we started with a prayer. I always love coming down to Pennypack, you just never know what you're going to see. 

Conference was also so great. It was nonstop going to members homes, having a great meal, then being able to see the Lord's servants speak to the world. We had our investigators, Eugene and Skylar, watch as well and they had many questions answered. Without a doubt, Conference is such a powerful missionary tool. Also, it was a blessing for me to be able to learn from the Lord and knowing very clearly what I need to do at this point in my mission as well as in my life. 

We also went to the temple today for our P-day, which has been such a blast. Riding SEPTA is always a fun time. You just never know what to really expect from it. We had an interesting talk with a man who was reading the Bible in Hebrew for a performance for his church. It was cool just because he was curious about the book of Mormon and our missions. Then we got into the city and I just felt so good being there. It's like it's become my home! Or even a part of me. Philadelphia will always have a special place in my heart. The Temple was also so good to just be inside of. It's hard to explain, but you feel so renewed after spending just a few minutes inside. I'm beyond grateful for the many blessings in which the Lord guides and directs us each day. It is a comforting feeling to know we are not alone. God is with us at all times and it is so apparent today, there's just no way God couldn't be there. It's the same thing with the Savior Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice, He will never leave us in our time of need. He will give us the strength to overcome any obstacle in life. It's pure knowledge I'll never forget and strive to show others. 

I have such a deep love for the mission. There's no other experience that can compare, you really learn who you are these two years. For that I'm forever grateful. 

Elder Cortes

Doylestown, PA